Northern Ohio
Labrador Retriever Club, Inc.
Founded 1981 An AKC Licensed Club
A couple photos by Ellen B. of her dogs...

Gunnie being handsome! (That grass sure is yummy!)

Gunnie and Polly playing - what a great action shot!
The 2009 picnic
(Photos courtesy of Ellen B.)
Andy is owned by Connie L., Suzy by Nancy D. and Millie and Charly belong to Becky W.

Andy swimming for the very first time! He LOVED it!

Andy, Suzy and Millie retrieving bumpers

Becky W. with Andy, Suzy, Millie and Charly

Heading home "dog tired" after having a marvelous time!
"Andy" (six months old)
Belledin's Andrew Heal My Heart
Owned and loved by Connie L.
Bred by Kathy S.
(Photos courtesy of Ellen B.)

A Recent Visit to Rockynol
Adele H. & Solomon on one of their monthly visits to the residents of Rockynol.
The residents really look forward to these visits from the dogs!
(Photos courtesy of Mark H.)

NOLRC Picnic
(Photos courtesy of Ellen B.)
A beautiful day for a picnic!

"Magic" owned by Kathy S. enjoying the water

Puppies bred by Janet Y. - learning to swim
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